Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Shumaker Consulting Engineering & Land Surveying, D.P.C. (SCE) provides a complete range of survey and mapping services related to aviation engineering including geodetic and primary control surveys; photogrammetric control surveys; ROW surveying and mapping; global positioning system (GPS) surveys; digital terrain model surveys; geographic information systems (GIS); and other survey services necessary to design construction projects. SCE also offers specialized survey/mapping services, such as aerial photography, photogrammetry, and stereocompilation, through a subcontracting agreement with selected subcontracting firms.

SCE A-GIS Experience

Our project experience includes numerous aviation projects at general aviation and commercial airports.  We have completed the following A-GIS surveying services at Greater Binghamton Regional Airport and Ticonderoga Municipal Airport:

·   Survey preplanning

·   Quality control plan

·   PAC & SAC recovery and verification

·   Temporary and project control establishment

·   Design survey

·   Post-construction survey

·   Digital mapping preparation for upload to FAA GIS website

·   A-GIS formatting/data migration translation

What A-GIS Accomplishes

Collection of air transportation geospatial data for use with the Geospatial digital Airport Obstruction Chart (AOC) which is a 1:12000-scale graphic depicting:

* Airport layout features

* Landmark objects used as spatial reference (shorelines, prominent buildings and linear features)

* Reference Data including the Airport Control Point, Airport Reference Point, Runway threshold positions and up to 39 different types of Navaid Equipment

* Obstruction Identification Surface (OIS) Features and Obstructions including FAR-77 surfaces, Obstacles above or below the OIS, Obstruction Area, and Data relating to imaginary surfaces that define safe altitudes for approaches and landings (Obstruction Identification as specified in FAR Part 77)

A-GIS and NextGen FAA Requirements

“GIS surveys are being conducted to provide detailed geospatial data about airports.  The data will be used for new Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance (LPV) approaches, including obstruction analyses, as well as electronic Notices to Airmen and flight deck airport moving maps.  The central database for airport GIS data enhances sharing of both safety-critical data (such as runway end points or the location of navigational aids) and non-safety-critical data (such as the location of a building on the airfield).  In addition to providing users with current data, it will improve airport planning efforts with more efficient reviews of airport layout plan updates.”

- Federal Aviation Administration NextGen Implementation Plan March 2010

Mandated Compliance

Compliance with AC 16, 17 and 18 is mandatory for the collection of geospational airport and aeronautical data funded under Federal grant assistance programs.

A-GIS Certification

SCE Surveying Staff has attained Level III Certification for the following FAA Advisory Circulars:

·   AC 150/5300 – 16

Survey Control IAW NGS Standards

·   AC 150/5300 – 17

Imagery Acquisition IAW FGDC/ASPRS Standards

·   AC 150/5300 – 18

Data Collection IAW AAS-1 Standards

Value of A-GIS Certification:

Utilizing the guidance set forth in the FAA Advisory Circulars provides a standardized collection of airport features/data, maintenance, and accessibility to individual airports.
SCE will provide our client with the following benefits in accordance with FAA Regulations:

·   Efficiency of survey/imagery acquisition process

·   Accessibility of past data set

·   Streamlined airport survey process

·   Centralized storage of airport resources

·   Uniformity throughout all phases of feature/data collection, storage, and final disposition

·   Upload and validation of data to FAA A-GIS

·   Compliance with FAA funding mandates